16th IFPE Congress
Priorities in Global Mental Health:
Taking Psychiatric Epidemiology to Scale

Welcome message from Prof Wulf Rössler

We welcome you to the 16th Congress of the International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology (IFPE).

The IFPE promotes the acquisition, dissemination and application of epidemiological knowledge in the fields of psychiatry and mental health.

The IFPE Congress brings together the diverse disciplines and geographies that contribute to global population mental health research. The program includes invited plenary speakers, accepted symposia, individual papers and poster presentations. Pre-congress workshops provide opportunities for detailed discussion of specialised themes and training in research methods. There will also be career development and networking opportunities for early career researchers.

We also encourage you to take time out post or pre-congress to experience what Melbourne and Victoria have to offer. We wish to take this opportunity to thank our invaluable congress partners, presenters and other supporters who have all contributed to making this congress a huge success. Once again, I warmly welcome you to this congress and anticipate it will be a highly educational and rewarding experience for all.

We look forward to welcoming you to Sao Paulo 2019.

16th International Congress of IFPE
October 17-20, 2017

Melbourne - Australia

Melbourne Cricket Ground